Evan’s light touring bike

This was the first bike I had finished since the birth of my son, Tully. I was concerned about being able to focus on the bikes while adjusting to the new family life. The fact that my shop is in my backyard and that sending email via the phone is the new norm helped immensely. Evan was patient and understanding throughout the whole process (as all my customers have to be!). And the final product was something that we’re both very happy with. The first thing you may notice are the non-traditional shifters. This was my first time using the Gevenalle shifters which are a nice alternative to bar end and STI/Ergo style shifters. Also, they were the only road levers that worked with the Shimano Dyna-Sys 10-speed cassette. I have since rotated them 90° to their proper position after the photos. Evan selected the Shimano XT drivetrain based on his personal experience. The integrated lighting is all Schmidt from the front SL connectorless dropouts, to the SON28 SL hub, Edelux front light, and modified SON taillight. There are provisions for low riders and a rear rack for longer journeys but the bike is fairly lightweight with just a front bag support rack. The tubing is a combination of Columbus Spirit for Lugs, Zona, and SL. So although it’s definitely not designed for heavy loaded touring, it is ready to climb some giant San Fransico hills!

See all photos of the build.